Contact us

    The data provided by you is processed by INMINER INGENIERÍA S.L, in accordance with EU Regulation 2016/679 on Data Protection, with the purpose of managing your requests, answering queries for administrative and statistical procedures. The transfer of data (except as required by law) or international data transfers is not foreseen; and through the Privacy Policy you have all the rights that assist you in terms of privacy.

    Where we are

    Parque Empresarial CEEI
    C/ La Solana, 60
    13005 Ciudad Real

    Entrepreneurship Center Office
    Arroyo de la Morería, 13 Ofi. 8
    19209 Quer (Guadalajara)

    Córdoba Scientific and Technological Park, S.L.
    Parque de Rabanales, 21, Edificio Centauro
    14014 Córdoba

     926 21 94 17