The services contract for the drafting of the project, the project management of the execution, the health and safety coordination of the project, as well as the works of the Biosanitary Campus of Ciudad Real, has been awarded by the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM ) to the UTE (Temporary Business Union) made up of Ramón Esteve Estudio de Arquitectura, BAC Engineering Consultancy Group and Inminer Engineering, for a total of 1,555,280 euros.
The importance of this project for INMÍNER INGENIERÍA is enormous for two main reasons: firstly, because of the emotional ties that exist between our company and Ciudad Real itself, knowing the symbolism that the construction of this university complex has for the capital of La Mancha, where part of the future health personnel of our region will be formed. Secondly, we must highlight the challenge that it represents for the members of the UTE, to achieve the objectives of zero energy balance, as well as the balance of zero net emissions for the year 2050, premises around which the design of the project, always maintaining firm the principle of environmental sustainability.
La presentación del proyecto se realizó ayer martes, en la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales del Campus de Ciudad Real, siendo el rector de la UCLM, Julián Garde, en compañía de la vicerrectora de Sostenibilidad e Infraestructuras, Inmaculada Gallego, y del vicerrector de Ciencias de la Salud, Alino Martínez, el encargado de presentar la propuesta ganadora del concurso.
In the vicinity of the General University Hospital of Ciudad Real, on a plot granted by the city council for this purpose, a vast complex of 19,000 square meters will be erected. This complex will house the faculties of Medicine and Nursing, along with the Biomedicine Research Institute, an animal facility and the Institute of Legal Medicine. Its total cost will amount to 36.6 million euros, financed in part by FEDER Funds from the 2021-27 Operational Program, with complementary contributions from the Castilla-La Mancha Communities Board.